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Oklahoma Estate Attorneys, PLLC.


Key Estate Planning Mistakes Seniors In Oklahoma Should Avoid

In this article, you can discover… Why it’s crucial to update your estate plan.  How to properly designate beneficiaries and avoid family stress.  The importance of an advanced healthcare directive.  When Should I Update My Estate Plan, And How Will These Updates Help My Family? As time goes on, people and their circumstances change naturally. Some individuals will take action to improve their lives by getting a better job or stepping away from drugs and alcohol or an unhelpful partner, while others may move in a different direction. As some of your loved ones grow older, you may notice people… Read More

What Every Parent Needs To Know About Estate Planning

In this article, you can discover: Why a last will and testament is crucial to ensure your children are cared for if something unexpected happens. The importance of updating estate planning documents as children grow and circumstances change. How to incorporate measures that can protect both the financial well-being of your estate and the long-term interests of your children. What Estate Planning Documents Might Parents Need In Order To Protect And Provide For Their Minor Children? All parents should have at least a last will and testament. This designates who will inherit their estate and at what age they will… Read More

The Truth About Estate Planning Without An Attorney

In this article, you can discover: How to legally prepare your own estate planning documents, like holographic wills and powers of attorney, without an attorney. How DIY (“do it yourself”) estate planning can be a reasonable, cost-effective approach when done correctly. The risks that are associated with DIY estate planning. Can I Legally Do My Own Estate Planning Without An Attorney? There is no requirement to use an attorney for estate planning. In fact, many types of estate planning can easily be done on your own at home. For example, a “holographic will” is simple to prepare and requires no… Read More

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